At what age should a unit be replaced?

A good rule of thumb is if your equipment is 10 years or older, consider replacing it with a more efficient system.

How can I prolong the life of my heating and cooling unit?

Regular maintenance is the best way to prolong the life of your HVAC unit, consider having a 5-2-1 Compressor Saver installed to prolong the life of the run capacitor, condenser fan and compressor, as well as reduce energy consumption.

Get an annual tune-up on your HVAC system to prevent costly repairs, improve energy efficiency, and prolong the life of your equipment.

My energy bill continues rising.

A consistently high energy bill can be a sign of a weak or failed capacitor. Capacitors lose strength as they age.

There is water pooling around my unite.

If your coil is leaking you could be on your way to compressor failure all while increasing your monthly utility bill. Don’t ignore leaks. A coil leak leads to additional leaks in the system.

What about debris build up?

All equipment that uses moving fan blades will collect dirt and debris. If it builds up it will cause damage to the system. Schedule to have periodic cleanings to ensure your HVAC system continues running smoothly.

How often should I have my heat exchanged checked?

Metal parts in your system expand and contract when heated and cooled. This causes weaknesses in the system over time. Have your heat exchanger checked before each heating season.